Many of us grow our own bell peppers because we like them so much, but then, we might end up with a surplus that would soon go bad. Also, no one can resist those great deals on bell peppers at farmer’s markets, and the idea of all that produce going to waste is unimaginable.
If you like bell peppers as much as I do, then you probably experienced the above situation a few times.
So can you freeze bell peppers? Fortunately, yes, you can freeze bell peppers. You can actually preserve and enjoy them all year long. Frozen bell peppers are incredibly versatile, and you can use them in a variety of dishes, just like fresh bell peppers.
In this article, I’ll share with you the benefits of freezing bell peppers, as well as how to freeze them properly. I’ll also tell you some of my best tips for using frozen bell peppers.
The Benefits of Freezing Bell Peppers
In addition to avoiding the culinary crime of throwing away perfectly good greens, there are many benefits to freezing bell peppers.
- Convenience: I’m a practical cook, so this naturally tops my list. Frozen bell peppers are a convenient way to enjoy these delicious vegetables all year long. They are already washed, cut, and ready to use, so you can save time and effort in the kitchen.
- Affordability: In this day and age, being moneywise is a must. Frozen bell peppers are often more affordable than fresh bell peppers, especially when they are out of season. This is a great way to save money on your grocery bill.
- Nutrition: Many of us eat our greens just because they’re healthy foods. Frozen bell peppers retain most of their nutritional value when they are frozen, which makes them an easy and nutritious ingredient. They are a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber and other nutrients.
- Versatility: Variety is always good, and frozen bell peppers can be used in all kinds of dishes. Toss some into soups, stews, casseroles, stir-fries, and even breakfast dishes like omelets and quiches. This makes them a versatile and convenient ingredient to have on hand.
- Reduce food waste: Nature is quite generous, which is more reason for us to appreciate its bounties. Freezing bell peppers is a great way to reduce food waste.
- Extend shelf life: Frozen bell peppers can be stored in the freezer for up to six months. This is much longer than the shelf life of fresh bell peppers, which typically only last for a week or two in the refrigerator. Isn’t that amazing?
- Improve flavor: Some people believe that freezing bell peppers actually improves their flavor. The freezing process decreases the rigidity of the pepper’s cell walls, which can make them more flavorful.
Tips for Freezing Bell Peppers
Freezing bell peppers is a great way to enjoy these delicious and nutritious vegetables all year long. It is a convenient, affordable, and versatile way to add flavor, color, and nutrients to your meals.
They Can Be Frozen Whole

The first thing to know is that bell peppers can indeed be frozen whole. This should typically only be done if you plan on using them to make stuffed peppers, though.
Essentially, you’re going to need to cut the tops off of the bell peppers before you place them into the freezer. You’re also going to need to scoop out the seeds before proceeding.
If you look at things a certain way, then you can see that you aren’t exactly freezing the bell peppers whole. You still have to cut the tops off and remove the seeds to be able to do things, and this means removing parts of the bell peppers.
The tops of the peppers can be placed back on before you place them into the freezer. You’ll just need to find some type of safe airtight container where they won’t be exposed to moisture.
Always Wash Bell Peppers Before Freezing Them

Before going any further with the freezing process, it’s going to be necessary to wash your bell peppers. You don’t want them to be dirty before they’re frozen, and it won’t take all that long to wash them off.
Just wash them thoroughly so that you can be sure that they’re clean. When you’re done with this, you’ll need to dry them off.
Bell peppers can easily be dried by patting them down with a dry cloth. This step of the process is crucial and should never be forgotten.
Take the Time to Check Your Peppers for Soft Spots
You don’t want to freeze certain peppers that have soft spots on them. Peppers that have these soft spots simply aren’t going to freeze well, and you’d be better off using the good parts of those peppers immediately.
All you really need to do is take the time to visually check the peppers out. Touch them a bit to identify any soft spots that are present.
If you see any mold on the peppers, you’re not going to want to freeze them. You can try to cut around soft spots to use parts that are still good, but you might not want to do this if mold is present.
Simply put, it’s always best to err on the side of caution. It isn’t worth it to try to use a pepper that looks like it’s going bad because you don’t want to make yourself sick or eat something that tastes funny.
Bell Peppers Are Easier to Freeze and Store When Diced

Although you can store bell peppers whole, it might be easier for you to store them when they’re diced up. You’ll have an easier time fitting diced peppers into an airtight container than you will whole peppers.
When you’re dicing the peppers up, it’s going to be imperative to remember to remove the stem and the seeds. You don’t want to accidentally freeze the stem and the seeds along with the diced peppers.
Some people find it easiest to scrape the peppers out using a knife. You could also choose to cut out the white pith.
The important thing to remember is to remove the seeds and stem. Once the peppers are diced, you’ll be able to find a container for them and freeze them for later use.
Label the Containers or Freezer Bags
You’re going to be storing your peppers in either airtight containers or freezer bags of some sort. No matter what you’re using to store them in the freezer, it’s going to be wise to place labels on them.
The idea here is that you can make a label for the container or freezer bag that has information about the peppers. The most important thing to write on the label is the date of freezing, but it’s also wise to write to remind yourself that the container has bell peppers in it.
Once everything has been labeled properly, you’ll be able to place the container or freezer bag in your freezer. Simply find a good safe spot in the freezer where the bell peppers won’t get smashed and everything should be fine.
It is worth noting that you should try to place your peppers in the back of the freezer where it’s coldest. This will ensure that the peppers stay frozen and that they’ll be good when you go to thaw them out.
If you have a good freezer, then it might not matter so much where the bell peppers are positioned. Even so, it’s not a bad idea to find a spot for them in the back of the freezer if you can.
Use the Bell Peppers Before Six Months Have Passed
If you want the bell peppers to be as good as possible, then use them up before six months have passed. Waiting longer than this makes it more likely that freezer burn will set in.
Freezer burn is something that happens to food that has been frozen for way too long. For the most part, frozen vegetables need to be eaten before they’ve been in a freezer for eight months, or they won’t be good any longer.
To avoid any issues, you should try to eat the bell peppers by the time they have been in the freezer for six months. This should help you to keep them tasting great, and you’ll be able to use them in dishes without having to worry about the flavor being compromised.
At a certain point, bell peppers that have been frozen too long will just need to be thrown out. Otherwise, you’ll just be eating peppers that taste kind of nasty or don’t taste like much of anything at all.
Frozen Peppers Will Be Less Crisp Than Usual
It’s good to understand that the freezing process will change the peppers a bit. Even if you use them fairly fast after freezing, it will cause them to lose a bit of their usual crispness.
This means that frozen bell peppers might not be ideal for certain types of recipes. If you’re going to make something where the lack of crispness would be noticeable, it might be better to buy fresh peppers.
You can easily use frozen bell peppers in many dishes and have things taste great, though. It’s recommended to use them in grilled and cooked recipes where they can still shine after being thawed out.
Essentially, the peppers won’t be as good to eat when they aren’t cooked or grilled. Thankfully, there are a ton of amazing stir-fry recipes and casseroles that utilize them.
How to Use Frozen Bell Peppers
Having thrown a few packs of bell peppers into the freezers, now, what do you do? What’s the best way to use these rock-solid icy vegetables?
Here are some suggestions.
- No need to thaw: Save your time and effort! Frozen bell peppers can be used directly from frozen in most recipes. There is no need to thaw them first.
- Cook for a shorter amount of time: read this carefully, for it can really affect your dish. Since frozen bell peppers are already partially cooked, they will cook faster than fresh bell peppers. If you overcook them, they will become mushy.
- Add them to dishes at the end of cooking: Much like herbs, parmesan, and some spices, frozen bell peppers taste a lot better if you toss them in five to ten minutes before turning off the heat. This will help to preserve their flavor and texture.
- Use them in sauces and soups: Frozen bell peppers are a great addition to sauces and soups. They add flavor, color, and nutrients.
- Make some stuffed peppers: A large plate of stuffed bell peppers is the ultimate crowd-pleaser. Start with blanching the frozen bell peppers before stuffing them. This will help them to soften and cook evenly. Then, you can stuff them with your favorite ingredients, such as ground beef, rice, cheese, and vegetables. Go full Mediterranean!
- Whip up a casserole: Did you know that you can make a warm, elegant, and delicious dinner in half an hour? Add frozen bell peppers to some chicken, beef, or an assortment of other veggies. Place them into a casserole, and pop them into the oven. The taste would be unbelievable with the added frozen peppers.
- Make rice with a twist: Add frozen bell peppers to your rice dish for a flavorful and colorful side dish. Add more ingredients that complement the peppers like olives, tomatoes, garlic, aubergine, and onions. People will definitely ask you about this recipe!
No matter how you choose to use them, frozen bell peppers are a delicious and nutritious way to add flavor, color, and nutrients to your meals.
Final Thoughts
Feezing bell peppers the right way is bound to get you good results. Bell peppers can be frozen whole, but it’s best to take the seeds out first.
Some people find it to be much more convenient to freeze diced bell peppers since they take up less space in the freezer. It’s much easier to fit them in a freezer bag if you go this route. Then again, if you want to make stuffed peppers, then keep a few peppers whole.
Remember to label your bell peppers when you put them in the freezer. It’s important to know how long they have been in the freezer, and use them before they expire, or get freezer burn.
Enjoy your bell peppers knowing that you don’t have to let them go to waste!
Sarah is the founder of Baking Kneads, LLC, a blog sharing guides, tips, and recipes for those learning how to bake. Growing up as the daughter of a baker, she spent much of her childhood learning the basics in a local bakery.
Saturday 21st of September 2024
here's a tip....I use an apple corer when I am deseeding peppers.