Have you been wondering what do shortbread cookies taste like? If you have, then today is your chance to stop wondering and start baking!
Generally, shortbread cookies leave you with a rich, buttery taste that’s hard not to crave again. Plus, the sugar tops off the cookie with a sweet finish.
What’s more, some people like to make it zesty by adding a little bit of orange zest or lemon, while others prefer adding vanilla.
Nevertheless, in their essence, shortbread cookies are just sweet buttery treats. In today’s article, we’ll tell you all about their taste and how you can perfect it.
So, put on your apron, and let’s start!
Why Does Shortbread Taste So Good?
Even though shortbread is just flour, sugar, and butter—according to the most basic recipes— when they’re all combined, something magical happens.
You get a rich, buttery cookie with a tender bite to it.
Compared to the onslaught of flavors that many recipes and foods leave us with, the simplicity of shortbread cookies is its secret answer. It seems that this is what makes it appealing to many people.
Why Do My Shortbread Cookies Taste Bitter?
As we’ve already explained, shortbread cookies are supposed to taste buttery and sweet. So, if yours turn out bitter, then there’s definitely something wrong!
In general, two factors can lead to this result. Here they are:
1 – Being Hasty
The key to a delicious shortbread patch is to take your time when it comes to baking it. This means don’t turn up the heat to speed up the baking process, even if you think it’s taking too long.
Moreover, don’t leave it in the oven until it turns brown—your cookies are supposed to come out a pale golden color.
This way, you guarantee that the butter isn’t burnt up and won’t leave a bitter aftertaste on the cookies.
2 – Flour
Though this may sound surprising, did you know flour can go rancid? It’s true!
Because flour has a long shelf life—around eight months on the shelf and almost ten in the fridge—people tend to forget that it can still go bad.
So, to avoid this problem, check your flour’s expiry date and ensure it’s still viable before you use it.
Why Do My Shortbread Cookies Taste Like Flour?
There are many reasons why your shortbread cookies can end up tasting like flour instead of buttery delight. Here are some of the most common ones:
1 – Too Much Flour
Sometimes you can find yourself adding a little extra flour because you think the dough needs it or because the recipe demands it.
Either way, double-check your measurements and compare them with how much flour you’ve added to the mix.
There’s a chance you’ve put in some extra flour without needing to.
2 – Not Enough Butter
Butter is the key ingredient in this whole process. As a result, the cookies taste dry and floury when there isn’t enough.
Moreover, we recommend switching if you’re using margarine instead of butter. This is because using margarine provides a simple fraction of the rich taste butter could offer.
The cookies often taste like they’re missing something, and the texture will feel more crumbly than soft.
3 – Insufficient Mixing
Many people mess up when mixing the dough because they fear overdoing it. Unfortunately, their fear is completely justified, as over-mixing the dough can result in a crumbly dough.
However, the trick to avoid this problem is to look for the following details:
- Butter lumps
- Sugar lumps
- Flour streaks or lumps
Keep kneading and mixing if you still find any of these features in your dough.
4 – Under-Baking
Generally, under-baking your shortbread cookies—or any baked goods—means taking them out of the oven before they’re done.
People usually do this to avoid the bitter taste that comes from burning the butter. They wait for the cookies to turn the slightest shade of golden and take them out.
However, this can leave you with an under-baked cookie that tastes like flour.
How to Avoid Making Shortbread Cookies That Taste Like Flour
By looking at the previous list, you can get a pretty good idea of how to avoid making floury-tasting shortbread cookies. Nonetheless, we have some extra tips for you!
1 – Use Different Types of Flour
Let your creative streak run wild when you’re baking! This means there’s no reason to follow traditional and plain flour recipes.
Instead, try something different, like almond flour or coconut flour.
2 – Sift Your Flour
When you sift your flour, you eliminate any lumps inside, allowing it to mix easily with other ingredients.
As a result, you’ll avoid any lumps or streaks in your dough that could leave you with a floury taste.
3 – Revise Your Recipe
A change in flavor usually indicates that there’s something wrong with the recipe.
Whether it’s because you’re not following it correctly or because the recipe itself is wrong, it’s worth taking a look at before you start baking.
Final Thoughts
So, are you still wondering what do shortbread cookies taste like? Hopefully, not anymore!
In general, shortbread cookies have a sweet, buttery taste.
Moreover, it’s common to find people adding something new, like vanilla or orange zest, to enhance the cookies’ taste.
Regardless, we hope that tonight, you get the chance to taste shortbread cookies for yourself!
Sarah is the founder of Baking Kneads, LLC, a blog sharing guides, tips, and recipes for those learning how to bake. Growing up as the daughter of a baker, she spent much of her childhood learning the basics in a local bakery.