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6 Easy Ways to Puree Strawberries (Without a Blender)

6 Easy Ways to Puree Strawberries (Without a Blender)

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There are many reasons why you would need to puree strawberries. They can be used in smoothies, for pies, as jam, and just about anything else.

Unfortunately however, you may not always have a blender handy to get the consistency that you want from your strawberries. Chopping them up could work, but you may not want them to be chunky.

You may be thinking to yourself – how will I puree my strawberries now? Luckily for you, we have all the answers you need right here.

You’ll be shocked to discover that you have most of these items handy already!

1 – The Muddling Technique

This is a technique that is used mostly by bartenders when making delicious cocktails, but it can also be used in place of a blender. You can muddle strawberries using a mortar and pestle.

Make sure you cut the strawberries as small as you can to make the muddling easier. Strawberries that are bruised are also easier to muddle since they are going to be much softer.

Then, put them inside the mortar and pestle, and begin to muddle. Don’t forget to cut off the strawberry leaves as they will not be a welcome surprise in your strawberry puree!

2 – Using a Food Mill

A food mill is usually used for making soups or even salsas. In fact, they are usually reserved for tomatoes. However, they can serve just as well when pureeing strawberries. In fact, this is the preferred method for some when it comes to making apple sauce.

The good thing about a food mill is that you can puree the strawberries to a smooth consistency thanks to the tiny holes inside of it.

3 – A Sieve

A sieve is another great option for pureeing strawberries. Best of all, the sieve will be able to strain out any seeds left behind by the strawberries that always end up getting stuck in your teeth. It’s a win-win situation!

For best results, push down the strawberries with a fork to force them through the sieve. You can always run hot water over them to make them go down a little bit easier.

4 – Use a Food Processor

Even if you don’t have a blender but you do have a food processor, you’ll be able to puree your strawberries just as well. Be sure to test out a few of the blades that come with your food processor to find the one that works best for you.

You can always try and cook your strawberries a bit beforehand so that they are easier to break down.

5 – Use a Chef’s Knife

Many people already have a chef’s knife at home, but don’t know that the blade isn’t the only handy part about it. The knife’s handle is made heavy and sturdy to be able to smash ingredients.

For example, many people practice this using garlic. However, who’s to say you can’t use this same method with your strawberries?

6 – Steamer Basket

As we mentioned earlier, your fruits and vegetables are easier to break down when they are cooked. A steamer basket will do just that.

Just place your strawberries inside of the basket, then close it and submerge it into boiling water. After a few minutes, you can take them back out again.

Once you do, place them under cold running water to cool down. You can then puree them using a rolling pin.

If the fruit is still a little bit too stiff, you can always add hot water to the mixture to help it break down easily.

Pureeing Other Fruits or Vegetables

If you are looking for a way to puree other fruits and veggies, you can always use the same methods we just discussed. However, some of these will require peeling before you try and puree them.

Apples for example, won’t break down very well when the peel is still attached. The same goes for most vegetables.

As mentioned earlier, you also want to make sure you are chopping up your ingredients as finely as possible so that they are easier to blend.

Different Ways to Use Pureed Strawberries

The good thing about strawberry puree is that it can easily be stored. In the fridge, it can be stored for up to five days.

In the freezer, however, strawberry puree can last up to three months. As a result, this means you’ll get a lot of use of it.

To store it properly, place it in an airtight container. You can also put it in ice cubes to make it easier to store and use.

As mentioned earlier, pureed strawberries can be used in a series of recipes. It can easily be spooned over a bowl of ice cream or on top of yogurt. However, it can also be used in other recipes.

So, why not start with the best one?

Strawberry margaritas are some of the best cocktails out there, and a perfect use of your strawberry puree. To make it tastier, you can always add lemon juice and a bit of granulated sugar to it.

Afterward, add it to your cocktail mixer and mix it up with tequila and some lime juice.

Strawberry applesauce is another tasty treat that can be made using strawberry puree. You can even combine it with other fruits and turn it into baby food for your kids.

Coffee cake is another good way to make use of your strawberry puree. You can simply use a regular box of cake mix, but instead of using all of the water that the mix calls for, use the strawberry puree in place.

This will add a nice kick to your cake and will have all of your guests wondering what your secret ingredient is!

Our last recipe is one that everyone can get behind – strawberry cheesecake. You can either use the strawberry puree inside of the mix, or drizzle it on top of the cake when serving.

If you decide to use it in the mix, simply add it in with the rest of your ingredients and blend. Don’t forget to strain it first to get all of the seeds out.

You can also use any extra puree as a decoration on top of your cake, or even turn it into a frosting.

Final Thoughts

The good thing about strawberries is that their consistency is soft and easy to blend. If you don’t have a blender but want to make strawberry puree, there are other alternatives to using a blender.

To recap: a pestle and mortar is one of the easiest ways to puree your strawberries without using a blender. Muddling a fruit as soft as a strawberry doesn’t take much, although you will be left with some seeds.

However, you can always put this mixture through a strainer.

You can also always use a food mill or even a sieve to puree your strawberries. Even a food processor or a regular old chef’s knife can get the job done!

No matter what route you take, there’s no doubt that your strawberry puree will turn out tasty. Whatever recipe you choose to make with it will have people begging for more.

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