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Take Your Cake Pops from “Meh” to Amazing with These 7 Brilliant Display Ideas

Take Your Cake Pops from “Meh” to Amazing with These 7 Brilliant Display Ideas

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Got some leftover cake? Your spongy cake didn’t rise as much as you wish it did?

Cake pops are here to the rescue.

They’re sweet and easy to prepare from leftover cake and will dazzle everyone with their colors and flavors. Just dip them in your favorite icing or frosting, and you’ll have an outstanding dessert to fit any theme.

But how can you display them?

Believe it or not, the right display can elevate your cake pops and make them look amazingly appealing. And I’m here to help you with this.

This article will teach you how to display cake pops in 7 creative ideas to help you pick the most suitable one for your upcoming occasion.

7 Creative Ideas to Display Cake Pops

Want the easy way out? Grab a stand from an online store or a home improvement store.

It doesn’t get any easier, and there are numerous shapes to choose from, depending on your budget.

But this article is for those who want to use their creativity to show off their talents and make their cake pops really pop.

Don’t worry because these ideas won’t take hours, even some might seem a bit sophisticated.

1 – Cake Pops in a Vase

Difficulty Level: Easy

For this display, you’ll need a big but shallow vase or a tin to create your display. Then, you’ll fill it with flower foam that you can get from the craft store.

You’re almost done. You just need to insert the plastic straws or lollipop sticks with the cake pops attached at the other end, and your display will be ready.

You can tie a big ribbon around the vase or use LED string lights to decorate it.

2- Diamond Cake Pops Display

Difficulty Level: Medium/Hard

This will be an excellent idea if you’re preparing cake pops for a wedding or any other glamorous occasion.

You’ll need a round baking tin, diamond bling rolls, cake forms, silver spray, and glue. Get two or three cake forms in different sizes to create a tiered display.

Place the baking tray upside down, and start by cutting the diamond ribbon into small sections to cover the baking tray’s side. Spray the cake forms to turn them into silver and glue the diamond ribbons to completely cover them.

Now, it’s time to assemble your setup. Glue the baking tray to the two cake forms to create a tiered setup, and your display is ready.

Using silver, white, and black cake pops with silver sprinkles will create the perfect centerpiece for a luxurious celebration.

3- Edible Cake Pops Display

Difficulty Level: Easy

Wouldn’t be great if your display is edible too? It’s actually an excellent idea, especially if your little ones will grab those cake pops.

For this display idea, you’ll need several mason jars, sprinkles, and candy, like colorful M&M’s and marshmallows.

In a hurry? Fill your jar with sugar or shredded raw and toasted coconut.

Fill your mason jars with your favorite candy and insert the cake pops into the jar, where your candy will hold them in place. After your family and guests are done eating the pops, they can enjoy the rest of the candy.

4- Beach Cake Pops

Difficulty Level: Easy

You can use this beach-themed display for an outdoor event, with blue, white, and golden cake pops to impress everyone.

You’ll need a large fish bowl, white and blue craft sand, and sea shells to create your setup. You can also use some white aquarium gravel.

Arrange the sand and gravel inside the fishbowl, adding some sea shells on the sides before adding more gravel. These seashells will be visible through the transparent bowl, making your display look more fun and elegant.

Once done, carefully arrange your cake pops by pressing them through the gravel and sand. Add some shells between the cake pops to complete the display.

You can also use some artificial pearls or corals.

5- Merry-Go-Round Display

Difficulty Level: Medium/Hard

This idea takes more time, but it’s totally worth it, especially if you’re preparing this display for a child’s birthday party.

For this display, you’ll need a turntable, also known as a lazy Susan, a styrofoam sheet, glue, and some decorations. You want to create a carnival, so you’ll need some toy trees, fences, trains, cars, and people.

Start by cutting small circles into the styrofoam sheet using a compass or a small coin. You can leave them white or color them, depending on your cake pops color and the party theme.

Then, glue these circles onto the turntable. This is where you’ll stick your cake pops.

Next, you can glue your decorations directly onto the lazy Susan, or stick them to colored styrofoam circles to create your theme park.

Now, it’s time for the last step: sticking the cake pops into the foam, and voila!

As the turntable turns around, everyone will admire your beautiful display. It’s also an excellent way for people to try different flavors without extending their hands and knocking the cake pops down.

6- Flower Garden Display

Difficulty Level: Easy

If you’re preparing a setup for a spring celebration, you can choose to assemble this display. You’ll need a glass bowl or terrarium, a foam block, glue, and dried flowers.

Cut the foam into the shape of the bowl, color it, and glue it to the bottom. If you directly fill your glass container with dried flowers, they’ll move around when someone picks a cake pop.

Next, apply glue to the foam and arrange the dried flowers on top. You can also stick some flowers to the side if you don’t color the foam.

Your display is ready. Insert the cake pops sticks into the foam and impress everyone with your spring-themed display.

7- Cake Pops Tower

Difficulty Level: Medium/Hard

You’ll need a styrofoam cone and fondant to create a beautiful cake pops tower. But all your cake pops should be exactly the same size.

You can get this cone from any dollar or cake store and then brush it with some water. Wrap the cone with fondant, smooth it out, cut all the excess, and let it dry.

Make sure that your cake pops sticks aren’t too long. You can also use toothpicks.

Start sticking the cake pops in a row all through the cone until the sticks aren’t visible and the cake pops cover your foam cone. Don’t forget to leave small gaps to prevent the cake pops from sticking.

Insert the new sticks above the gaps you left. Add one at the top and your tower will be ready.

Final Thoughts

With these innovative ideas, you can choose a different display for every occasion. So, which one are you trying next?

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