Nowadays, it can be difficult to get your children away from the screen. Yet, many parents forget that activities we find mundane are brand-new experiences for young children.
Baking, in particular, is an exceptional way to boost your kid’s creativity and get them involved. It’s an optimal bonding experience that also teaches children various life skills.
Unsure where to start with this fun activity? Here’s everything you need to know about creative baking with kids:
1 – Let the Child Choose the Recipe
The most important aspect of baking with kids is to get them excited about the activity. For this reason, you should ask them what they’d like to bake in advance.
Then, you can prepare for your fun experience beforehand. You should have all the ingredients and supplies ready so that nothing will interrupt your bonding moment.
You don’t have to bake everything from scratch, though! If your child is young, or it’s their first time in the kitchen, using box mix will significantly help, while still making for an amusing day.
If your kid goes for an overly complicated recipe, it’ll be significantly helpful to do all the prepping a day before. This way, you can fully focus and spend quality time with your little one.
Moreover, getting all the tricky tasks out of the way will ensure the kitchen is a safe playground for your child.
Some ideal quick recipes you can suggest include:
- Pizza
- Cupcakes
- Chocolate chip cookies
- Cinnamon rolls
- Banana bread
2 – Decorating Is Crucial
Whether you’re baking cupcakes out of a box or making cookies from scratch, allowing your child to decorate their creation is an essential element of baking.
In fact, even buying ready-made baked goods and icing is an exceptional activity for children. Not only is it a creative outlet, but it also helps them develop crucial skills.
Your kid will enhance their motor skills and dexterity when using piping bags and adding sprinkles and topping. Furthermore, seeing the results will increase their confidence.
As if that wasn’t enough, baking is a mindful activity. If you have a hyperactive child, getting them to relax by baking and decorating will be a lifesaver. In turn, whenever they’re feeling overwhelmed, they’ll use art and creativity as an outlet for their pent-up energy.
3 – Get Messy
Here’s the thing: Baking is a messy activity. Paired with children, your kitchen will be a war zone!
Unfortunately, this mess is inevitable. Accordingly, stop trying to control the situation and allow your kids to run free. In turn, you’ll also make the most out of the activity and understand the fun of baking.
Remain focused on the benefits that baking offers your child, and understand that the goal is for kids to enjoy themselves and unleash their creative side.
If you’re too worried about your kitchen, though, it’s best to prepare it before you start having fun. Here are some of the best tips that helped me keep my kitchen neat after a day with the kids:
- Designate a small area for baking, placing all the ingredients and supplies there.
- Cover the work area with plastic tablecloths or parchment paper.
- Keep breakable items and electric appliances away from the children’s reach.
- Demonstrate to your kids how to use each item, so the mess can be kept to a minimum
- Involve the children in cleaning up, as this teaches them responsibility and can be another fun thing to try together.
4 – Make It A Party
There’s nothing children love more than parties. Well, you can make baking an even more creative and engaging experience by inviting some friends over!
If the kids are old enough, they can learn to bake different treats from scratch. Then, they can start their own cake or cookie stand, where they can showcase their creations and earn money.
Alternatively, creative baking is a unique theme-party idea, especially the decorating portion! Stock up on icing and edible supplies to make a dessert decorating station. This will make for a memorable event that your child will cherish forever.
5 – Don’t Forget to Document It!
Lastly, baking might seem like an insignificant activity to you, but your kid will feel a great sense of accomplishment having made their first dessert.
For this reason, you must have your camera ready to document each step. Show your kid how proud you are of their feat and share the event with the whole family.
Sarah is the founder of Baking Kneads, LLC, a blog sharing guides, tips, and recipes for those learning how to bake. Growing up as the daughter of a baker, she spent much of her childhood learning the basics in a local bakery.