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Can You Freeze Muffins? (Plus Tips for the Best Results)

Can You Freeze Muffins? (Plus Tips for the Best Results)

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So, you’ve created the perfect batch of muffins after a painstaking process and they’ve turned out delicious, but now you have way too many of them to eat at one sitting and you’re wondering what to do with them.

The next logical question is, can you now stick these muffins in the freezer so they can be enjoyed at a later time? Surprisingly, the answer is usually “yes,” but you can’t just stick them in the freezer and forget about them.

In fact, although it isn’t complex to freeze muffins, they will come out much better in the end if you follow a few simple tips, but even though the tips are simple, they make a big difference in the outcome.

Can All Types of Muffins Be Placed in the Freezer?

As a general rule, nearly all types of muffins can be placed in the freezer, but that doesn’t mean all of them are going to taste the same later on when you thaw them out and try to eat them. The more “basic” the muffin recipe, the better they will freeze. If they consist of any extra toppings such as strudel, they likely won’t freeze as well as plain muffins.

When you do freeze your muffins, make sure you label them with the type of muffin they are and the date you put them in the freezer. Regardless of what type they are, muffins generally only last two to three months after you put them in the freezer, so they’ll have to be thawed out and eaten during that time frame.

Because muffins are a great go-to breakfast or snack food, many people make large batches of muffins to freeze them so they can reheat them later on, so learning just how to freeze muffins is essential.

Again, you don’t just stick them in the freezer and leave them alone. The first thing you need to do is make sure they are completely cooled off after you take them out of the oven.

Cool your muffins on a rack or even the kitchen counter, and wait until they are room temperature before you go any further. If you freeze muffins while they’re still hot or warm, they’ll lose their fluffiness and light texture, so they have to be at room temperature before you do anything else.

If you’ve decided to freeze muffin batter, which is another good idea, simply place muffin liners in a muffin pan then pour batter into each of the liners.

Getting Them Ready to Be Placed Into the Freezer

Once the muffins are baked and completely cooled off, you’ll need to find a dish or a baking sheet, then line the muffins in a single layer, then place that sheet or dish in the freezer for a total of 30 minutes or until they are frozen solid.

If you have batter in a muffin pan, place the entire pan in the freezer and let them stay there for around four hours to make sure they are frozen solid.

Whether you’re trying to freeze fully-cooked muffins or just the batter, you’ll have to wait until they are completely solid before taking them out of the freezer. Once they are removed from the freezer, it’s time to separate them and place them in freezer bags.

To do this, first remove the muffins or batter from the freezer, then start separating them into smaller portions. You can freeze two at a time or 10 at a time – it’s up to you. Just decide on the quantity and start placing them into a freezer bag.

As you work, make sure all excess air is squeezed out of the freezer bag so that no air will remain that may affect the texture of your muffins later on.

After you place them into a freezer bag and you’ve squeezed out all of the excess air, place them in a second freezer bag and do the same thing. The reason you do this is to prevent freezer burn and to keep the muffins nice and moist.

By not squeezing out the excess air, the muffins may get dry as they sit in your freezer for the next few months.

For muffin batter, place one or more liners filled with the batter into a freezer bag, then proceed as you did with the cooked muffins. In other words, use two freezer bags and squeeze out the excess air after each bag.

How Long Before You Can Eat the Muffins?

Muffins already fully baked can stay in the freezer for three months, while the batter should be removed and baked after two months.

Again, if you label the bags with the date it will be much simpler to make sure you keep them in the freezer for the proper amount of time. Just don’t forget they’re in there and let them go to waste!

When you wish to eat a few of the muffins you’ve stored away or you’re ready to cook the batter you’ve placed into the freezer, all you have to do is thaw them out or just pop them in the microwave. If you’ve done everything correctly, the muffins will have retained their fresh, fluffy taste and texture and they will be absolutely delicious!!

To thaw the muffins out in a microwave, cook them in 30-second increments until the texture is right, which can take up to several minutes. By cooking them only 30 seconds at a time, you reduce the risk of overcooking the muffins and preventing them from a spongy texture or a bad taste.

You can also let them thaw out on your counter top if you like, then use the microwave just to make them a little warmer. If you’re concerned about their taste or texture, place a dab of butter on each of the muffins before placing them in the microwave.

The butter will help both the texture and the taste and make them even more yummy once they’re placed in your mouth.

Homemade Versus Store-Bought or Boxed Muffins

You may be wondering at this point, can all types of muffins be stored in the freezer to be eaten at a later date? Does it matter if the muffins are made from scratch, made from a box or mix, or purchased from a store or deli?

Fortunately, the answer to these questions is no, it does not matter. Muffins are muffins and for the most part, they can all be frozen beautifully and taste wonderful once you take them out of the freezer.

The only precaution is the topping you might have used when you originally baked them. As mentioned earlier, the more toppings you have on the muffins, the more likely that the topping at least will not taste the same as it did originally.

Does this mean you’ll have to throw the entire muffin away? Not necessarily. Just don’t keep them in the freezer as long as you do for non-topped muffins, and maybe even add that dab of butter we talked about earlier before placing them in the microwave.

Some Tips for Successful Freezing of Muffins

When you freeze your muffins, make sure you place them in the right part of the freezer. You’ll want to choose a section that has an even, steady temperature, such as the back of the freezer.

Never place them in the front of the freezer near the door because the temperature in that area is too unsteady. If you have a deep freezer, it’s best to place them in there instead of the regular freezer section of your refrigerator.

Always keep your frozen muffins on or below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, or -18 degrees Celsius. Also, if you have one of those devices that removes all of the air out of the bag and essentially freeze-dries the foods that are inside, you can use them on your muffins.

Remember, the more air you remove out of your freezer bag, the fresher your muffins will taste later on when you remove them.

Again, never bundle your muffins on top of one another but instead, they should always be one layer thick to produce the best results. Make sure you put the date on the bag before placing it in the freezer, and even if you freeze three to four muffins in a bag, you can still take only one or two out at a time once you’re ready to eat them.

Final Thoughts

Frozen muffins can be a true miracle-worker when the kids want a snack or you’re looking for a nutritious breakfast that can be cooked up quick, and if you make them ahead of time you’ll always have plenty on hand for those types of days.

These tips will also work with most types of muffins, so whether you love blueberry, oatmeal, chocolate-chip, or pumpkin muffins, you now know how to freeze them and enjoy them for a long time.

As long as you let the muffins cool completely and follow the rest of the steps exactly as they are written, you should be able to enjoy light, fluffy, and tasty muffins any time you like.

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